Truth is Absolute

Pilate said to him, "What is truth?" After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, "I find no guilt in him.”
John 18:38 (ESV)
Truth is absolute, yet it has always been debatable. Pilate stated the obvious question given to the Godless who constantly struggle to establish the truth. Eventually, they determine the truth to be whatever the majority or most powerful decide. In one way, they are correct in that God, the only real power of the universe, is the only one that can and has established truth.
Since truth cannot be created and must be discovered, all of the campaigning and propaganda to establish the truth is absurd. Pilate may not have understood what was happening, but he was honest enough to expose the hypocrisy of those wanting Jesus dead. He had the authority to stop this crucifixion but chose not to use it this day.
Whether we have the knowledge and authority to avert evil or are in the crowds attempting to redefine evil, we will be held responsible for our actions. On that day, the mob ruled, and truth was redefined. We can learn from the mistakes of history, or we can learn by repeating their errors.
For now, the choice is ours.


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