Satan is the father of lies, the great deceiver.

The high priest then questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. Jesus answered him, "I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret. Why do you ask me? Ask those who have heard me what I said to them; they know what I said." When he had said these things, one of the officers standing by struck Jesus with his hand, saying, "Is that how you answer the high priest?" Jesus answered him, "If what I said is wrong, bear witness about the wrong; but if what I said is right, why do you strike me?" Annas then sent him bound to Caiaphas the high priest.
John 18:19-24 (ESV)
Jesus lived a public life, and the high priest was more about drama than truth. Therefore, the high priest needed to spin Jesus's actions to the dark side, even though Jesus had no dark side.
Satan is the father of lies, the great deceiver. Unfortunately, his tactics remain the same, and he loves using "religious" people to accomplish his dirty deeds. The religious elite convinced the spineless crowd to crucify an innocent man. The religious leaders did not know God, and the crowd did not know their religious leaders. The only protection we have from repeating this is knowing God and being obedient to Him over all others. For now, the choice is mine.


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