This does not make me narrow-minded; it makes me right.

So Pilate went outside to them and said, "What accusation do you bring against this man?" They answered him, "If this man were not doing evil, we would not have delivered him over to you." Pilate said to them, "Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law." The Jews said to him, "It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death."
John 18:29-31 (ESV)
This accusation is no accusation. Rather than answering Pilate's question, they turned it so that he was attacking their authority and integrity. So often, we turn the tables and miss the point of the discussion. If we disagree with someone, we attack the person, forcing them to defend themselves and eventually go off-topic. Our conversation turns into verbal warfare, while we endeavor to secure a victory in debate while forgetting why we were debating.
If something is correct, everything else that disagrees with it is wrong, no matter our reasoning. This makes the right look very narrow, and it is narrow. Jesus told us that He was the way, the truth, and the life and that there was none other. (John 14:6) Therefore, all other thoughts on how we approach God are wrong. This does not make me narrow-minded; it makes me right.


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