Reason to obey or disobey?

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me."
John 13:20 (ESV)
In math class, I learned that if "A" equals "B" and "B" equals "C," then "A" equals "C." I did not understand all the math concepts, however, this one seemed simple enough to grasp.
This formula also applies to life. If I am obedient to Christ, those who see me have seen Christ in me. I am not Christ, but I have the responsibility of living in a manner that brings the concept of the love of God to reality through my actions. I have the privilege of being God's hand and feet to those I meet. I have the opportunity to say what God would say to those around me as His Spirit leads me.
I have often looked for reasons to justify my failures, rather than look for reasons for obedience. Nevertheless, to obey is better than sacrifice and it positions me to be used in a simple, yet profound manner, as life is really about God, as it should be.


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