Thanking and Joining God

And those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him. And the Lord shut him in.
Genesis 7:16

And the Lord shut them in. Imagine those who spent a hundred years or so making fun of Noah, the crazy old guy who built a boat in the mountain. Imagine the look on their faces when they felt the first raindrop and saw and heard the water rushing upward from the ground. I imagine a line of sprinters running towards the ark, banging on the door, and pleading with Noah to hear and open it. I imagine people repenting, shouting about their wrongs, and begging for mercy.
Only it was too late. God shut the door.

Many believe that God never gives up, yet He does. He shut the door. All those who were on the outside stayed on the outside. Just days before they could have joined in, but something kept them from it. Perhaps the ridicule that was ever present, or the idea of thinking for a moment that an older man building a boat in the mountain was sane was too much to overcome.
Whatever the reason for their ignorance was now proven futile. It is never safe to ignore God. It is never safe to stop listening, to delay obedience, or to count on a God who never gives up when there is evidence that He does.

If you are breathing today, you need to thank God and look for ways to join in on what He is about, instead of continuing to do the things you desire that have no eternal value and no real purpose. Significance and security come from God, not from things, power, position, or comfort.
Today, if you hear His voice, and you should, do not harden your heart.


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