Narrow Gate

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Genesis 6:8

There was one man who found favor with God. So often, this is the case.

It is consistent throughout the Scriptures that most have fallen prey to the schemes of the Evil One. Most have fallen into love with self overall and this earth and its pleasures. Most are looking for satisfaction and approval from the majority. Most fear missing out on what this majority offers, even though it is hopeless, worthless, and a path to destruction.

Jesus told us that the gate is narrow. Why, then, are we so into what is popular? It is as if we are looking for significance and security in all the wrong places. It is as if we enjoy following the blind, listening to the mute, and preaching to the deaf.

There was one who God found here--Noah. There was one whom God pointed out in the book of Job--Job. There always seems to be one who gets it. It would be wise to identify that one and identify with them.


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