God is not tolerant.

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5

Man has choice, real choice, and therefore real consequences are attached to that choice. God could have done it differently. He could have made us robotic. He could have attached strings to us and allowed the angels to control our every move like the string puppets of old. He could have been like earthly kings who used their power to amass a large group of yes men and women who secretly hated the powerful thumb of the mighty king.

But He did not. He chose to love, which means He allowed us to choose and live in the context of those decisions. When we ask why evil happens, the answer is simple: it happens because we are evil--all of us. When we ask, "Why does God allow evil?" we usually talk about someone else when we should talk about ourselves.

God is not tolerant; He is patient. We need to see that the love of God has allowed us the freedom to respond for now. Our choice to love ourselves more than loving God and others ruins any chance we have of peace on earth. Then, of course, we blame God for such actions.
One day God will deal with all sin, for He is indeed going to judge the world, and He is not tolerant. So perhaps we should not be tolerant either.



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