The Stage

Then Moses turned to the Lord and said, "O Lord, why have you done evil to this people? Why did you ever send me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has done evil to this people, and you have not delivered your people at all."
Exodus 5: 22-23
Moses said, "God, I listened to you, and you let me down." But, like so much else in life, God was setting the stage for the final act. He was preparing the hearts of both those He was about to deliver and those from who they were getting delivered.
Perhaps some of the Jewish people had become too comfortable in Egypt. But, on the other hand, maybe all Egyptians had become accustomed to a diversity of gods, and would never abandon what they and their ancestors believed.
Whatever the case, God set the stage for a performance that the universe would watch. He, once again, was going to show, very clearly, who He is and always will be.
So often, we do everything we can to prevent God from setting the stage. We work to minimize what is happening, normalize the abnormal, and try to enjoy the unenjoyable.
The Jewish people had no freedom and could not enjoy life as it was meant to be. The Egyptians had no real god, so they could not enjoy life as it was meant to be. God was about to intervene, and all will, once again, have an obvious choice.


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