God sees, He hears, and He knows.

Then the Lord said, "I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their suffering."
Exodus 3:7
We have no secret life. God is everywhere and knows what you are doing, thinking, feeling, and desiring. If you are suffering for His sake, He sees it. If you suffer because of your self-centered choices, He sees it and knows how to reveal it to you.
Remember, God is not tolerant; He is patient. He is not random, but works intentionally and according to a divine plan and purpose. He is love, as He defines the term, so you can know that He acts with your best in mind.
There is a host of activity going on right now in the heavens that is just as real as the circumstances you are experiencing today. God sees, He hears, and He knows. If that does not give you rest and courage, you do not know Him. The answer to your dilemma is not to change the circumstance, but to spend time knowing God. If you do, you will find that He is older than you, smarter than you, and loves you, and that you can indeed trust Him.



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