God is not random

So they ruthlessly made the people of Israel work as slaves and made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and brick, and in all kinds of work in the field. In all their work they ruthlessly made them work as slaves.
Exodus 1:13-14
Can you imagine what the people thought when the Egyptian authorities decided to abuse them more than they had already been abused? I suspect that many asked where God was in this situation. Some might have turned away from God in anger and bitterness. Due to their disappointment with God, some probably began to live a hopeless, Godless life.
Yet, there is no doubt that if one is disappointed with God, they do not know Him. If they are angry with God, they do not know Him. God is not random; He does not sit idly by and watch those He loves suffer. Since He has the power to do something and can do something, He will do something. But many times, as in this case, He is setting up the future to ensure that His name is known and His ways are straightforward.
These children of Israel were headed into a time when God was going to make Himself abundantly clear, and He would use these circumstances to show who He is and His concern for His people. If the people knew God, they were waiting, anticipating some extraordinary action, and soon got quite a show. But, on the other hand, those who gave up, who went away bitter, lost out on the joy of anticipation.
God is not random; our rules or resources do not bind Him. He is God and will prove it to the world and us when the time is right. So wait and anticipate, or wait and wonder about His goodness. Either way, one day, you will know that He is God.



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