Salt and Light

Then Moses answered, "But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, 'The Lord did not appear to you.'"
Exodus 4: 1
Moses knew the skepticism that he would face. He understood that those who do not know God cannot understand God's voice unless God intervenes.
Yet, I wonder if Moses answered the way he did because of his failures. What if he lived a life of duplicity while he was in Egypt? The Bible does not say this, and I do not want to teach this; I am just wondering. It seems so easy for us to be all things to all people in a way that allows us to blend in and be unremarkable.
Yet, when Jesus said we were salt and light, He spoke of a lifestyle that could not blend in and could not hide.
If I were asked to talk about God to a group of people who did not know God, I might have the same questions Moses did. It could be for various reasons, some good and some bad. If God asked you to talk to those you live with and work with every day, and to tell them what He is saying, would they listen to you? Why or why not? What would be your hesitation?


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