God is God

So Jesus said to him, "Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe."
John 4:48 (ESV)
When we depend on signs and wonders to validate who God is, we open ourselves to many problems. God is God regardless of what we see, hear, and experience. We may indeed see signs and wonders He performs, yet, our very lives should provide us all the wonder we need to drive us to God.
Satan could perform miracles to fool me as the magicians did with Moses before Pharoah if I depend upon a sign.
If I demand that God perform before I acknowledge Him as God, I, again, open myself up to deception, because God does not need to perform satisfactorily for me to be God.
God is God regardless of my personal experiences in life. I need to spend time getting to know Him, not demanding that He prove that He is God.



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