Accommodate and Relate?

After this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias. And a large crowd was following him, because they saw the signs that he was doing on the sick. John 6:1-2 (ESV)
Jesus attracted crowds. Many were curious, wondering how He was able to perform miracles. Curiosity is natural and can be used to trap us or free us. Curiosity as to who God is and how or why He created life is a good thing. Curiosity for the sake of amusement can be trendy and a waste of time. Curiosity arises out of seeing or hearing about the unusual, and Jesus could not be considered usual.
Today, we seem to desire to blend, accommodate, and "relate" to the Godless world. In doing so, we eliminate curiosity and then wonder why people are not interested in examining Christianity.
Those who know God, love God, and live holy, or unique, lives that will automatically stir a curious soul. Being like Christ will cause outsiders to be curious about our life and give us opportunities to represent Christ. We do not need to try and blend, and we do not need to try to be different. Instead, we need to love, enjoy, and obey God, and in doing so, we will be different, a kind of difference that draws people to God.
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