Reactionary Lives

"'Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you.'"
Deuteronomy 5:12 ESVST
We are told to keep the Sabbath holy, unique, or different. Is this a law or a relational principle?
In order for us to have a relationship with anyone, we need to spend time with them. Husbands and wives would be wise to be intentional about time spent together. Fathers should schedule time to play, listen to, and participate in their children's lives. Intentionality is critical in any relationship, and those hoping to accidentally enjoy a good relationship will be disappointed.
Our lives become hubs of busyness, and busyness becomes distracting rather than distinct, and distinct is what we are looking for. Distinct is recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type. Distinct is holy, unique, or different.
The world around us is busy living reactionary lives, while we should live responsive lives. The world around us accepts the idea that relationships crumble, while we should work at making them solid. The Sabbath is a time set aside to be intentional about hearing, responding to, and being a part of those we love. It is a time of setting and living priorities, a time of renewal, refreshment, and reality.


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