A generation that is constantly entertained by evil will be evil.

"'And you shall not commit adultery.'"
Deuteronomy 5:18 ESVST
Once again, the commandment is simple, and simple is often ignored to the peril of the one doing the ignoring.
Our culture seems to focus on television, movies, advertisements, and computers that seem to focus on raw, uncommitted, sexual encounters, and then condemns those found guilty of sexual abuse. In times past, there was something we labeled as deviant behavior, but today, we have normalized the deviant and made deviant what should be normal. Then we wonder why we are so depressed, lonely, and angry, and why suicide has such a grip on us.
Christ, in the book of Matthew, focuses on the process, rather than just the action. The process of making deviant sexual behavior normal needs to be addressed, and the end result of adultery will lose its stranglehold. There is a way we were made, a way we were meant to be, and if we abide by that way, we experience a significant and secure life. If we make up the rules as we go along, we lose the game.
A generation that is constantly entertained by evil will be evil. It is not legalism that causes someone to choose to live a committed, dedicated life. It is wisdom.



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