Feelings are not authoritative.

"'You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.'"
Deuteronomy 5:11 ESVST
Certainly, the use of God's name in a profane way is evil. Using anyone's name to display displeasure with life or circumstances would be to slander or demean that person. However, I think the real abuse of God's name is the constant chatter from Christians claiming authority from God for the things they do, when, in reality, they are bending the will of God to fit their own will.
Countless times young Christians have told me that God told them to go into this career, or to make this move, or to marry this person. I have had those who have worked for us say that God has called them to somewhere else. Immediately, when someone uses the name of God, all others must remain silent on the issue, for no one else has the authority that God has.
Often, I will ask how they know God called them. I seldom get a good answer, and most of the time, it is just a feeling. Feelings are not authoritative. God's Word is.



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