When we….

Life is not as complicated as it is often portrayed. When we ignore that God created the world and universe, we worship the world and universe because we think they sustain life. When we forget that God created people to love, we live as random blobs of protoplasm. When we ignore that God made male and female, that He made us different, we cannot celebrate differences and are constantly in competition for superiority. 

When we ignore that God crafts each human life in the womb, we lose the value of the unborn. When we choose to be entertained for hours by violence, we become violent. When we allow pornography to be normal, we learn to use people rather than love them. 

When we continually live in a virtual world, we struggle with reality. There is no right or wrong when there is no God, making it impossible to acknowledge good and evil. This always leads to living in a culture where each person does what is right in their own eyes and will leave the ultimate decisions in this physical world up to those who have the most weapons that can enforce their ideology. 

Excluding God from our nation is the "one thing" that we must not do if we are to live and thrive as a free people. But unfortunately, we cannot legislate right and wrong, and we can never find true consensus in a culture where each person does what is right in their own eyes. 

I pray that our nation returns to the simple. There is a God; we are not Him. He is the creator and sustainer of life; we are the created. We were created to love Him and each other, and from the beginning of time, we have had the choice to love or exclude Him. Even when we failed, God made provision for us through the death and resurrection of His son Jesus. 

There is no hope apart from returning to God. For now, the choice is ours. 



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