Harder Than It Should Be

Father, glorify your name." Then a voice came from heaven: "I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again."
John 12:28 (ESV)
Sin keeps us from glorifying God. Jesus never sinned and therefore always glorified God.
We were created to function in a particular fashion. When we deviate from that norm, we can expect trouble. We were created to show who God is by how we live. Sin always stops us from this beautiful, divine-given purpose.
In John chapter 17, Jesus prayed that you and I would be one with God, and He is one with God. To get there, we need to spend more time with Him and less with other influencers. In addition, we need to be intentional about limiting the outside voices of influence and focus on our intimacy with Christ.
We make this life much harder than it's meant to be by listening to many self-proclaimed "experts" who are masters at being heard, but have nothing to say. We do not need to live this way; for now, the choice is ours.




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