
Anger is ignited as the nation reads the leaked Supreme Court decision. As a result, people are polarized, and judges are victimized for doing what they understand to be their jobs. 

I am disappointed. It is hard for me to understand that people find it acceptable, even admirable, to kill babies. 

We can change the definition of anything to make it more acceptable, which is happening. We can choose to believe what we want and even pretend it is true, but, in reality, what we believe will never affect the truth. 

God gives life and has made man in His image. Satan hates God and knows that people reflect His image. Satan knows that every baby is specially formed by God and has the potential to be one that God uses to destroy him by demonstrating God's mercy and grace to the universe that God has also created. 

If we refuse to acknowledge God and redefine life, then we live in a manner that ignores the truth, and there will be consequences. Any society that has the rule where each man does what is right in their own eyes will always see the most vulnerable suffer, and there are none more vulnerable than the unborn.

People can pretend that murder is not murder, and life is not a life until we say it is and that the universe came into existence by accident even though it defies all logic. This kind of thinking makes a self-proclaimed educated society foolish. 

When we ignore God, we begin a downward slope and eventually degenerate into barbaric lifestyles that are justified by our feelings and desires rather than truth. 

I am ashamed of our citizens and leaders who are angry at the thought of someone limiting the legality of killing babies. 

I pray that we can see the tragic situation we are in and come back to God and give every life a chance to develop into one that reflects God's mercy, grace, and glory, as it was meant to be. 



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