Oldest trick in the book…

Has not Moses given you the law? Yet none of you keeps the law. Why do you seek to kill me?"
John 7:19 (ESV)
Jesus asked a simple question to religious people who refused to see their problem. Moses was esteemed by this religious crowd who proudly and boldly proclaimed obedience to the law. Yet, the law spoke of not murdering, and they wanted to murder.
Religious people hate when you point out their inconsistencies, and they often create a new rule to justify breaking the old one. As a result, religious laws are often sprinkled with verbiage and loopholes that resemble the tax code more than the law of God.
In this case, the religious crowd decided that the devil was powering Jesus. They said: "The crowd answered, "You have a demon! Who is seeking to kill you?" (John 7:20 (ESV))
Satan's oldest trick is to twist God's words and help people think they are pleasing God when disobeying Him. His tricks continue today, and God's Word is our only defense.



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