Correct Conclusion, False Application

Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.
John 6:15 (ESV)
"They draw from the sign a correct conclusion (a true doctrine) and a false application (a bad moral). So with orthodox faith, a false (ecclesiastical or secular) morality is often associated." (J. P. Lange, D. D.)
"Some men have greatness thrust upon them. From all such Christ separates Himself, knowing that what is done by compulsion may by compulsion be undone. So He would not have a kingdom forced upon Him, nor would He be forced on a kingdom. Wonderful words are written on His royal banner: "Put up thy sword," "My kingdom is not of this world." "
"While all this is true on the human side, the real point to be considered is that JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF WOULD NEVER REIGN BY MERE FORCE. If you could force men to Christ, you could never force Christ to men. It is the Infinite that declines. Jesus reigns by the distinct consent of the human mind. "If any man will open to Me, I will come in." "Come unto Me all ye," etc." (J. Parker, D. D.)
Jesus is God, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, regardless of the crowd, and their desire changes nothing about who He is and what He is about.
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