Concern for Others

Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.
John 6:15 (ESV)
People wanting to control God is not a new idea. But, God, removing Himself from people, regardless of the reason, is tragic.
Religion has always attempted to make a self-serving God. Religion often tries to appease God and then expects Him to deliver a personal abundance of joy, finance, health, fame, and fortune.
The only way Jesus could control the crowd was to leave. Staying there would have been a distraction while fueling arguments and discord.
It is ironic that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, often stirred the crowd into a frenzy. However, the crowd was never about Him and was always about themselves.  Jesus was and is driven to action because of His concern for people. The crowd was stirred to act because it was concerned for itself.
Healthy relationships are concerned for others, and this concern fuels healthy habits and attributes in self. I am healthy when I focus on God's plan and others’ well-being. On the other hand, I am needy when I focus on what's in it for me, regardless of the relationship.


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