The Message Is Clear

For the Son of Man goes as it has been determined, but woe to that man by whom he is betrayed!"
Luke 22:22 (ESV)
We often wonder about the balance between man's choices and the sovereignty of God. We tend to want to understand God and how His characteristics interplay with us and our abilities. There are times when we refuse to believe something because we do not know how it all works.
Yet, there is much we do not and cannot understand. As God needed to remind Job in chapters 38-41 that He, at times, is beyond our understanding this does not mean that He is not in control.
So often, we try to fit God into our comprehension or compare Him to something or someone to better understand who He is. Yet He remains incomprehensible and impossible to compare with anything or anyone.
The Bible is clear that God is sovereign, that I have choices, and that my choices matter. I need to keep it simple and make the right choices today.


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