Our goal is not affirmation. It is truth

And Pilate asked him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" And he answered him, "You have said so."
Luke 23:3 (ESV)
The authorities often try to get us to give them the answer they want, rather than hearing what we have to say. Often, affirmation is more important than truth. When we are put in that situation, we can either answer people the way they want to be answered, or we can tell the truth. We can look for a way to make temporary peace, or we can tell the truth and let God work out the peace process.
Our goal is not affirmation. It is truth, and the truth will either affirm or challenge the hearer.
Jesus could answer Pilate no other way, leaving Pilate the real choice to act with this information.
I choose to either embrace truth and its implications, or I can guard my preconceived notions and have regrets.
For now, the choice is mine.


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