We are on a journey, not home.

When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you….
John 17:1 (ESV)
We are created to glorify God, and Jesus is our example of how to live in this manner. All people, apart from Jesus, are sinful and, because of our sin, cannot glorify God. That is why Jesus came to this earth to die on our behalf. He died so that our sins would no longer be a barrier between God and us. His payment for our sin is complete and available to all who place their faith in Him.
Glorifying God is simply living in a manner that shows the world who God is. We are not Him, but we get to live to show the Godless who He is. We are not perfect but forgiven. We are not needed but wanted. We are not masters but servants. We are on a journey, not home. We are children of the King, not orphans. I am thankful.



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