The Simple Message

I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.
John 16:12 (ESV)
Life is seasonal. I am thankful that God did not make a massive list of things in my life that needed correction and present them to me as a young believer. The list would have been long (and probably still is.) and I am sure I would have experienced some significant disappointments.
God knows our hearts and knows when He needs to present various challenges. Therefore, His timing will be perfect, and the results blessed.
The key in life is to be sensitive to what God is doing in our lives today to be prepared for tomorrow's challenges.
We should also be excited about what God is doing in all of His children. It is not our responsibility to address "the list"; it's His. Satan would enjoy having others point out the many sins (according to them) in our lives to overwhelm us and keep us from enjoying God and His purposes for us today.
Peter had some reasons to be overwhelmed with his failures, yet Jesus was clear about the order of life after failure. So the first thing we address is if we love God. If we do love God, then we should act in the context of loving Him. Secondly, we should be feeding others from the abundance of spiritual food God has given us.
The simple message to love God and care for others is always appropriate, and in that process, we will be positioned to work through the other issues of life.


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