Peace and purpose come from knowing God, not controlling God,

And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
John 17:3 (ESV)
Whenever I get to a definition in the Bible, I pause and think, as it can clarify much about life. For example, this verse defines eternal life as knowing the only true God.
The definition for the phrase "that they know you" is: (from Strong’s) "A prolonged form of a primary verb; to "know" (absolutely), in a great variety of applications and with many implications - allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) known (-ledge), perceive, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand."
Those who know God trust God. Those who do not know God struggle with significance and security in this life and are afraid and unsure of the next.
Peace and purpose come from knowing God, not controlling God, so knowing Him is vital for today and forever


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