
But the word that is written in their Law must be fulfilled: 'They hated me without a cause.
John 15:25 (ESV)
We are capable of hate. We are capable of hating for no legitimate reason. Hatred for something may be justified, but hatred for people is unacceptable.
In this verse, people hated Jesus. Any reason one gives for hating Jesus is manufactured, and yet, there was a large majority, at the time, willing to crucify Him for trumped-up charges.
Hatred is too easy to store and dispense, and it gains momentum as the gossip, innuendos, and disgust grow. It is the gossip, innuendos, and disgust that is sinful, not the actions of Jesus. But unfortunately, so often, we do the same by listening to gossipers and forming an opinion based on hearsay rather than first-hand knowledge.
I would say that most people shouting to  crucify Him did not know Him, and perhaps never spoke to Him, yet they thought they needed to condemn Him.
It is strange how the more we progress, the more we stay the same as we live in a different era while struggling with the same sin.


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