Simple yet Profound

Simple yet Profound

The profound must be simple, and the simple profound.
There is a God; I am not Him. 
In the beginning, God.
He created all that is and ever will be. 
A child understands the simple.  
The professor stands confused.
The who in creation is simple.
The how of creation profound. 
Knowing the Who answers the how. 

Love is simply about choice 
to both love and be loved.
God’s character is love 
He makes the right choice. 
I must choose to love, and be loved. 
This is a simple truth
profoundly complicated by narcissistic feelings.

Eve's choice in the garden was simple until 
the serpent of old complicated God’s directive. 
Hence, the blame game began, 
the truth obscured by complication 
leaving all humanity to wander rather than ponder. 

The simple always leads to the profound-
Understanding profound always depends on grasping the simple.


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