Significance and Security

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Luke 19:10 (ESV)
Being wanted is far more critical than being needed. God does not need any of us for Him to be God. He needs nobody to sustain Him, aid Him, or give Him advice. God has no opinions, lives outside perspective, and provides us with the truth, not advice.
God's truth is the only truth, and the fact that He created us, loves us, and wants us to be a part of His family and purposes is incredible. The Bible clearly teaches that anyone who wants to know God will know God; in fact, He sent His only Son to seek and save all who will come to Him.
I am thankful that my significance and security come from Him. I am grateful I am wanted and not needed, loved, not used, and wonderfully and purposefully made, not a random blob of protoplasm.


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