God wants us in His family.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 (ESV)
God loves, so God gives. Unfortunately, we tend to define the concept of love, and we try to get God to fit into our definition, when God is the definition of love. Everything starts with God and flows toward us; therefore, we must learn how God defines love to understand love.
God sent Jesus to this earth to pay the price you and I owe. He did not need to do this and does not need us for Himself to be God. God depends on nobody for His existence, purpose, success, and more
Instead, God wants us in His family. He wants us to experience His love, purposes, and plans as "insiders." He wants to share the joy of life with us and knew that without Christ's payment for sin, we would lose out in this life and for eternity. Therefore, God acted in His love to ensure we could participate with Him in life's ultimate thrills and victories.
God so loved that He gave, yet His gift is only valuable to those who accept it. Those who refuse do not make the gift a waste. Instead, they waste their lives and have no future.
For now, the choice is ours.



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