Those who know God love God

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1 (ESV)
What is it that you fear? Why?
We need to be careful to avoid unwise counselors and to "trust our trust." (In essence, trust that we have trusted. C.S. Robinson quote) Satan often reminds us of our doubts and fears, and he is quick to reinforce our erroneous thinking by affirming Godless influences. Three out of four of Job's friends were wrong in their assessment of Job's condition, and Job was wise to avoid their counsel.
You cannot grow any plant that you keep uprooting. God is your light and salvation; therefore, you shall fear nothing or no one. If your hope for light and salvation falls on anyone or anything else, you will wilt. If the stronghold of your life is your family, friends, job, health, etc., you will fear.
Those who know God love God, and those who love Him, obey Him, while living in harmony with His creation.


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