Nothing Has Changed

Martha said to Jesus, "Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died.
John 11:21 (ESV)
Martha was accusing Jesus of failing them in a lovely way. She would follow this statement by declaring that she knew He could do whatever He wanted, even now after Lazarus was in the tomb for four days.
We are often Martha-like in our prayers. We know the truth, yet we like to play the game where we make God responsible for all the pain and suffering in our lives, rather than acknowledging our responsibility in the pain and suffering.
Living in a sinful world makes this life much less than it could be. Death is a result of sin, and all have sinned. Jesus came to defeat death, and He was about to prove that in a very tangible way.
Nothing has changed. Jesus can and will defeat death. Those who wait upon Him will not be disappointed.


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