Being Thankful It’s About God, Not Me.

And I give to them life eternal. And they shall positively not perish, never. And no one will snatch them by force out of my hand. My Father, who gave them to me as a permanent gift, is greater than all. And no one is able to be snatching them by force out of the hand of my Father. I and the Father are one in essence.
John 10:28-30 (Wuest)
It is Jesus who gives us eternal life, not us. Once He provides us with this gift, there is positively no way to take it back. Not only is the gift permanent, but no one is powerful enough to steal it out of His protective hand.
To add to the all-powerful, as if that is needed, Jesus tells us His Father is the giver of this gift as well, and no one can overpower Him either. Because our salvation is about God and not us, and is given to us, and guarded by the only real power in the universe, we are secure in Him.
Those who make it about their efforts have not understood God's mercy, and, perhaps, have never come to Him and accepted this wonderful gift. Those who have understood His mercy live as if they know it, but it is not the living right that makes one a part of God's family; it is God's mercy that does so.
An adopted child needs to do nothing but display neediness to be adopted. However, after adoption, they will have responsibilities within the family. Obedience and participation will be learned and have no bearing on their family status.
I am thankful it is about God and not me.


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