Common Factors

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.
John 1:6-8 (ESV)
John was sent by God. He was on a mission, a mission created specifically for him. I was sent by God. I am on a mission created specifically for me.
God has not randomly created anyone. We were all created with some common characteristics and other things that God uniquely "bent" us towards. In some ways we are all the same and in others we are all unique.
Finding the common factors is somewhat easy, yet finding, developing, and enjoying the unique characteristics God created us with takes a bit more effort.

Those who love God and honor Him by obeying Him live what is described as "holy" lives. Holy could also be translated as "unique," and God is referred to being "unique, unique, unique," whereas I am only to be "unique."


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