Pure in Heart

And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day.
Genesis 32:24 (ESV)

Jacob seemed immersed in a family of deceit, dishonor, and manipulation, yet he had something in his heart that God chose to bless.

Job was righteous, shunned evil, and feared God, yet God continued His refining work until we see his repentance at the end of the book.

Peter had a wonderful heart and desired to please God, yet God used a time of desperation to accelerate him toward the leadership role for which He designed Him.

If you pay attention, there are moments when God takes those with pure hearts, solidifies their belief, and accelerates their journey. None of us are perfect, and we all suffer with worldly cataracts that God carefully removes throughout life.

My job is to remain pure in heart, to tenaciously seek and submit to His will, and to watch Him work.
Enjoy God today



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