No Regrets

Then Abraham said to his young men, "Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you."
Genesis 22:5 (ESV)

Abraham may not have understood how God would work, but he was convinced He would provide. His words and actions pointed to an intimate knowledge of God.
Those who know God act like they know God, and those who do not know Him act like they do not.

Knowing God does not mean we know what He will do; it means we trust whatever He does. When our confidence is in God, we go boldly into the future without anxiety, fear, or disillusionment.

Those who know God and remain obedient to Him live lives of no regret, know they are significant and secure, and act in accordance with what they know.
Those who do not know God act following their feelings, popular opinions, urges, and desires.
The key to all fulfillment in life is knowing and obeying God. Once again, I am thankful God has given me something I can do.


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