
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
James 1:5 (ESV)
Those who are wise in their own eyes are fools. God is the only one who knows what tomorrow holds. He is the only one that can tell us what is necessary today so we can be successful tomorrow.
He has revealed, in general, terms, what will come to all. We know that all of life is temporal, change is constant, and everything we "own" today will belong to someone else tomorrow. We know that God creates the earth and that one day He will call His children home, and eventually create a new heaven and earth. However, we can't know most of the steps that will be necessary to get to the end; therefore, we rely on God's Holy Spirit to guide us.
Since God does not need us for His ultimate victory, the fact that He wants to include us is a privilege. If we want to know how to join in and be an active part of that winning team, we ask God where He wants us and ultimately yield to His ways.
Wisdom is not about understanding God but about knowing and obeying Him.



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