"What is the difference between Satan's and my belief in God?"

You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!
James 2:19 (ESV)
We often attempt to convince others of what we believe through our talk, rather than living our beliefs making the conversation unnecessary. I have asked many young people if they were "Christian" who have responded with "Yes, I am because I believe in God." However, as I quote this verse to them, their eyes widen, and they wonder if I am calling them Satan or denying their belief in God.
The principle is simple. Belief in God may be a good start, but our faith in Christ's finished work allows us to be justified and enter the presence of God.
Belief is an interesting word/concept in that we can believe something that is not true, yet if we believe it, we think it is true. Belief by itself makes nothing true, and God is God, and His payment for sin is death regardless of what we believe. If we want to believe the truth, we must align ourselves with God's words.
The question for today would be this: "What is the difference between Satan's and my belief in God?"



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