There Is One God

John answered, "A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven.” John 3:27 (ESV)
If we are successful in evangelism, it is because of God. If we are successful in life, it is because of God. If we are healthy, it is because of God. If we are sick, it is because of God.
We were all born into a time, place, and family. We all have different opportunities, trials, fears, joys, and pain. We all have perspectives, opinions, and understandings that differ about many topics.
Yet, there is one God, one truth, one way to God.
If we are successful at anything, in the end, it will be declared so by God, and no matter where we came from or what our current situations are, our success comes from obeying Him.
God is the constant in the universe, the same in all cases for all people in all time.


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