One day, we answer to God.

The next day the common people who came to the feast, having heard that Jesus is coming into Jerusalem, took the branches of the palm trees and went out with a view to meeting Him. And they kept on shouting, Save now. Let Him who comes in the name of the Lord, the One who in times past has been eulogized, be regarded as such at present, even the King of Israel. 
John 12:12-13 (Wuest)
The crowd saw Christ's exceptional power and authority and wanted Him to act on their behalf now. This crowd would soon change from wanting to crown Him to wanting to crucify Him.
What makes a crowd change its mind so quickly?
Propaganda soon focused on the truth, and Jesus was in the crosshairs. If the people believed Jesus, the religious establishments were history. Therefore, religious leaders began to fight for the right to control their subjects.
Jesus offers freedom. Religion offers repression.
Jesus offers hope. Religion offers fear.
Jesus gives life purpose. Religion is its own purpose.
We must always be careful when we see the "masses" believing and propagating something, because Jesus has told us that the people who get it right will be the few who enter through a narrow gate and travel a narrow road.
One day we answer to God. We will never answer to man. Therefore, it is best to align our thoughts and actions with the truths of His Word, and to ignore the masses and their efforts to redefine normal, right, and good.


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