Seeing The Harvest

As for you, are you not saying, There are yet four months, and the harvest comes? Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes at once, and view attentively the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already the one who is reaping is receiving pay and is gathering together fruit for life eternal, in order that he who is sowing and he who is reaping may be rejoicing together.
John 4:35-36 (Wuest)
Jesus always sees things the way they are. We see things from our perspective. Jesus sees a world ripe for the harvest and many who would possibly rejoice in the harvest but few to work the harvest.
We often make excuses for not involving ourselves. We talk of this not being the right time, or that harvesting is not our "thing." Perhaps we are unaware that the best time for harvesting is now, and if we wait too much longer, we will lose the harvest to predators, weather, and decay.
If I live each day looking for God to use me in the harvest, I will be part of the harvest.
Every year I look forward to the wild blackberry patch that grows in the national forest. Unfortunately, the window for picking ripe berries is limited. As the berries ripen, they quickly become targets for birds, bears, and other animals, and become overripe and challenging to harvest.
Those who enjoy eating the berries need to be on the watch for the right time, and when it is right, move quickly. I keep thorn-resistant clothing and special gloves ready during the late summer, and have been watching some patches since the spring blossoms.
When I look into the woods now, I see a harvest.
May God give me the same eyes for our nation.


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