The Most Excellent Satisfaction

Jesus says to them, My food is to be doing the will of Him who sent me and to carry His work to completion.
John 4:34 (Wuest )
Jesus tried to tell them again that the most excellent satisfaction in life comes to those privileged to be used by God to accomplish His purposes. Therefore, it is not an indictment against food. Jesus is stating aloud what is evident to Himself.
The longer I live, the more I understand what Jesus is saying and know that those who spend their lives trying to be satisfied with more in this life will, in the end, be the most remarkable testimony to the futileness of life apart from God.
Jesus was involved in something more important than food or sleep, and He knew that God could supply the energy He needed to sustain and excel in this life. He was not aware of His physical need; He just had His priorities where they belonged.
I pray that I, too, will see what is most important in life and live in its context. But, for now, the choice is mine.


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