Proper First Steps

The woman says to Him, Sir, as I am carefully observing you, I am coming to the place where I see that you are a prophet.
John 4:19 (Wuest)
This woman did not have a good reputation, yet she did something we should all do. She carefully observed Jesus. Those who carefully observe Jesus and honestly evaluate is life, death, and resurrection will be changed forever.
The most crucial observation in life is our observation of Jesus, and those who have not looked at and evaluated Him can never truly live and enjoy life. Jesus is the focal point of all life, and without Him, there is nothing that makes sense. He, alone, is the creator and sustainer of life, the Son of God, the propitiation for sin. He alone is our advocate, and our trust in Him will never return void.
This woman struggled with life, but she took a proper first step towards living the life she was meant to live. Today, those who take time to observe Jesus will find the most crucial answer to the most important question they should be asking.


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