Satisfied in Life

But He said to them, As for myself, I have food to eat concerning which you have no knowledge. Then the disciples kept on saying to one another, No one brought Him anything to eat, did he? John 4:32-33 (Wuest)
We all seek to be satisfied in life, and we often focus on what we do not have rather than what we do have. We think another acquisition, more financial resources, power, or heaps of recognition will finally satisfy our weary souls.
Yet, soon we realize that contentment is one of the most valuable tools to defend ourselves against the devil's schemes. Those most satisfied in life also realize that temporal things cannot give lasting satisfaction. Food, money, and clothing are nice, yet they all wear out and leave us wanting, even yearning, for more.
Jesus spoke of being satisfied in life, and the disciples missed the point of His message.
Contentment comes from knowing God and being a part of what He is doing on earth. Those trying to find it elsewhere will see their journey as futile.
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