No Class Necessary

Thereupon, the woman abruptly discarded her water jar and went off into the city, and says to the men, Come here. See a man who told me all the things I did. Can this be the Christ? They went out of the city and proceeded in a steady stream toward Him.
John 4:28-30 (Wuest)
Those who find Christ, share Christ, even though they may not know doctrine, and might continue to struggle with their sinful lifestyle. Genuine belief always results in real concern for others.
Nobody needs to train a Green Bay Packers’ football fan how to be enthusiastic about football. But, unfortunately, there are no classes to teach football fans to share their excitement for the sport and their particular team.
Often, evangelicals desire or require classes to share the good news with others, when sharing good information should never require a strategy. If one is not excited about what God has done and is doing, all the classes in the world are not helpful.
The best evangelistic tool is a genuine excitement for Christ and what He has done and is doing. If I wait until I am adequately trained to share my excitement, I will miss many opportunities.
If I am not excited about what God has done and is doing, I need to ask myself why, and fix that problem, rather than take a class on how to give away my meaningless faith.


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