It is the way it's meant to be, spiritually and physically.

"Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whom the LORD has put skill and intelligence to know how to do any work in the construction of the sanctuary shall work in accordance with all that the LORD has commanded."
Exodus 36:1 (ESV)
God created people skilled in various areas to complete the "body of Christ" on earth. The New Testament clarifies that believers are part of the body and that each body part should have unfettered access to the brain to be healthy.
Artists, carpenters, musicians, philosophers, pastors, teachers, and business executives have the same responsibility to walk with God, or to love God and each other. As each person dies to self and uses their skill and ability to point to God and help each other, we see life the way it is meant to be.
Trouble arises when we glorify one gift or focus on one skill over another. We only focus on a single part of our body when it is injured, and we need to rally the rest of the parts to aid in its healing. Many years ago, I watched young men lift weights and focus on specific body parts while ignoring others. Soon, their bodies began to display the effects of such a plan, and they could no longer walk normally or have their arms hang normally at their side.
Those who weight life properly do so in a way that builds antagonistic muscles together so the entire body works in harmony.
It is the way it's meant to be, spiritually and physically.


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