Sad Reality

But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me.
John 8:45 (ESV)
This is a sad reality. But Jesus tells the truth, and because it is the truth, it is hard to believe.
The truth might sound hard to believe, yet the lies we make up should be harder to consider if we think about it.
God creating the world would be an excellent example. The Bible makes it clear that God is the creator and sustainer of life. If this is true, God is in charge, He has a plan, and we will answer Him.
The tricky thing to grasp is the idea of being able to speak and create something from nothing. We cannot do that, so we assume God cannot do that. Instead of attributing creation to God, we begin to make up theories that would allow us to avoid the absolutes of God.
We now live in a world that many believe was created accidentally, seems incapable of sustaining itself, and the concepts of marriage, gender, and purpose are blurry at best. When I say that God created the world with a plan and purpose, created males and females, and expected them to be committed to each other for life in marriage, I am considered odd.
It seems odd that people rejected the truth when Jesus spoke. It seems strange they reject the truth when I say. History so often repeats itself making it evident that we have lost the lessons it was trying to teach.


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