Futile Lectures

Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And my life I lay down on behalf of and instead of the sheep. And other sheep I have which are not of this sheepfold. Those also it is necessary in the nature of the case for me to lead, and my voice they shall listen to, and there shall come to be one flock, one shepherd.
John 10:15-16 (Wuest)
There is one way to God, and that is through Jesus. Good shepherds do whatever they need to protect and increase their flock. Jesus ensured that all who came to Him would be in His flock, and one day, we will be one big flock.
The oldest tool in Satan's toolbox is getting us to doubt God's love and provision. As sheep cannot always understand the shepherd's way and need to trust the shepherd's heart, we need to trust God's heart. If we have trouble doing this, we don't know God and need to spend time with Him.
Lecturing God on who He should be and what He should be about is futile. But, on the other hand, knowing Him and resting in Him pays dividends on earth and for eternity.
For now, the choice is ours.



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