I am Wanted

Then the Jews encircled Him and were saying to Him, How long are you holding us in suspense? As for you, assuming that you are the Christ, tell us plainly.
John 10:24 (Wuest)
If you do not want to listen, you will not hear. Those who seek God find God. Those who want to listen to Him will hear Him. If we wait for God to say what we want to hear, we will live in confusion. God does not need to try to understand us, yet we need to hear and understand Him.
Because He is God, there are many characteristics that we will never fully understand. However, we can know that He wants us, loves us, and pays the price to have us join His family. We can rejoice in what we know and realize that what we do not know will always align with what we know about God's love, mercy, and grace.
I am thankful that God did not make comprehensive understanding a requirement. As a result, I can enjoy being wanted, loved, and provided for without the pressure of understanding how it can be done.



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